Acne Treatment

What causes acne?
Acne occurs when your sebaceous glands overproduce an oily substance called sebum. When extra sebum gets trapped in your hair follicles, your skin can become irritated — leading to the appearance of pimples on your face. Left untreated, some types of acne can cause permanent scarring.
How does it work?
The Nordlys system treats acne by reducing the blood supply to the sebaceous gland to slow down the production of sebum. The system delivers short bursts of Candela SWTTM directed at the skin. Using patented Dual Mode Filtering technology, the system filters the light to ensure that only the wavelengths necessary for the treatment are used. Because of this, only the blood vessels that supply the sebaceous gland are impacted, while the surrounding vessels are not affected.
What can we treat?
The Nordlys can treat 3 types of acne:
Acne vulgaris: Clogging of the hair follicles leads to unsightly and sometimes painful, skin lesions and pimples
Acne conglobata : Covers the back, chest, and buttocks with pustules and nodules, which might cause a severe bacterial infection, as well as extensive scarring
Acne rosacea : Inflammation of the face, neck or chest
How many treatments do you need?
The course of 4 treatments is recommended once every 3-4 weeks. This routine can be repeated again to achieve further results if necessary.
For patients who are not suitable for IPL Acne treatment, we offer other solutions.